
Economic, financial and taxation. Administration of the company’s human capital, carrying out personnel selection and training actions, etc.

In a world of increasing interrelationships, companies increasingly require economic analysis to address difficult issues. We have a team of specialists trained to meet these challenges.

Most large organizations boast of being customer-focused, but few know how to achieve it. The first step should be to define where the company stands, what its objectives are, what tools it has, what it lacks and how it should operate to achieve the desired goals.

In many cases, the implementation of a customer relationship management initiative starts in the wrong direction: by implementing costly systems that are not adapted to the circumstances of the business. Establishing a correct route is not a task that should be left in inexperienced hands.

Roberto Gómez Fernández

Financial, Strategic and Internationalization Management. Business Facilitator. Market intelligence.

Professionalism and honesty are a guarantee of success. After 15 years of experience, working in commercial banking, private banking and business consulting, I embarked on the difficult path of independence, of making my own decisions, of being consistent with the risks I take at all times with each of my actions. And that enriches so much, that seeing the balance from the prism of the worker, the employer and the external consultant, gives enormous security in decision making.
Today, I am immersed in wonderful projects with my clients, seeing them grow, seeing them thrive, is what gives me the greatest satisfaction in the world. And this is how I want and we want to continue from our team, to help companies to be safe, to give them confidence through professionalism and honesty, so that they can grow in a sustainable way over time.
We focus on the economic, financial and human areas, because in the technical area, each company is a specialist in its own field. We seek to eliminate tolls and barriers to growth. We accompany companies in making decisions, whether they are financial, strategic or structural, and always showing the risks, advantages and disadvantages of each one of them.